Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Photos of the week - June III

The photgraphs of the week - June III are available a liitle bit late, the time was running and I had a lots of things to do because of my examinations this week. On my calander were many dates with students to have consultations about our semester projects. But now I have few minutes to post the highlights of the last week.

The last week was affected with hotness. In the mid-week there were temperatures to 36°C! In my view the most people were much stressed as possible. Only what they have done was to bellyache about the world! I hate this, people - the sun was shining and the world could be happy if you are! They had forgot it!

What i had done? I took my bycicle and ride to all dates and meeting with it. Currently I rode my bike with a helmet on my head.
It was the greatest idea to do this because the trains needed a heat-break as well. :-(

Des Weiteren erhielt ich meinen Ambassador-Vertrag und mit ihm meinen Blog und die Zugangsdaten. Meinen ersten Bericht könnt ihr hier lesen:


Den letzten Punkt auf meiner Australien - To- Do- List konnte ich nun auch endlich erledigen. Meine Beurlaubung über zwei Semster ist stattgegeben! CHECK! 

Rob & me

Zur Belohnung ging es am Freitag (auch wenn nur kurz) in den Mauerpark zur Fete del la musique. Super Stimmung, tolles Wetter, tolle Freunde und leider nicht mein Musikgeschmack. ;-) Techno und Dupstep passt wohl doch nicht so zu mir, aber es war ein tolles Erlebnis.

And last but not least I had taken a photograph of my breakfast. It seems to me so fresh and deliciuos that i must focus my camera on it. ;) typically nutritionist! Whole grains, strawberries, banana and cottage cheese. All ingrediants to give much power to my body to recover after a great sport session. Yummy!


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