Dienstag, 9. April 2013


Knowledge-week at 3sat: - Every day this week 3sat reports about a topic which is in contact with consumption. Yesterday i saw a report about sin consumption. Means for me, which thing isn´t expendable  and what is most importent for a great lifestyle. Although they not discribed only things, also situations, cloths, travelling and even more! So I think about my greatest sins in everyday life.
Gestern war ich bei Rossmann. Ich benötigte einen Ring-Block und 5 Hefter. Da gab es tatsächlich einen recycelten Altpapier- Block, der genauso teuer war, wie die anderen. Das Papier ist etwas kräftiger (glaub ich) und gräulich. Dachte ich mir- Anni, tu mal was für die Umwelt. Daneben lagen die Hefter. Pappe und Plastik. Eigentlich hätte ich Pappe nehmen sollen, aber die gehen immer so schnell kaputt und Plastik war um 60% reduziert. Konsumsünde Nr. 1 - Anni kauft Plastikhefter.
Eigentlich geht es so weiter. Meist nehme ich Plastik-Brottüten, weil meine Brotbüchse so viel Platz wegnimmt. Auch Frischhaltefolie ist gelegentlich im Einsatz. Plastik-Verpackungen sind leider sehr viel in Umlauf.
Certainly this are the smallest things. 3Sat discribed much more sins. Here the top ten of sin consumption:

  1. Elektrogeräte
  2. Kaffee
  3. Auto
  4. Süßigkeiten
  5. TV
  6. Fleisch
  7. Smartphone
  8. Alkohol
  9. Flugreisen
  10. Mode

I agree with all of them partly. Most people are cosuming too much of this luxury articles. For example they drive with their car the shortest ways, drinking one or two litres of coffee every day and having a kitchenware for every action to cook. In addition many kids are sitting in front of the TV  a lot of hours per day and eating sweets as much as possible. Every hour of day we wants to be online and getting the most modern cloths from all over the world. But I don´t want overlized it! Right, much things we need to have a good feeling. It makes our life easier and comfortable. This argument is unneeded to discuss.
Leider aber ist den wenigsten Menschen BEWUSST, was sie konsumieren. Viele achten sehr auf ihre Ernährung, aber tragen Kleidung von H&M und Primark für 3,50€ das Shirt. Kinderblut, Dumping-Löhne und Ausbeuterei sind vorprogrammiert. They don´t think about it! And thats the greatest sin in my opinion.
The next days 3sat will send some more interesting reports about comsumption. Today they will show the documentary "Super Size Me"! I can advise it really! Furthermore they will talk about "Gier und Geld". In my eyes it could be interested and activates to think about the topic!
Really my goal is to reduce some luxury needless things in my life. Someone are only based on comfort. We are the changing generation! If anyone is beginning a changing, anyone will do it! Maybe, it could be keep a dream, but then i have do all my best!

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